How to consign.
We accept consignment by appointment only.
Please call or schedule right on our website!
Consigning Hours:
Tues thru Fri: 11a-5p
Sat: 11a- 2p
Please print and bring our Agreement with drop off.
All consignments must be brand name, gently used or new, trendy and of good quality without holes, stains, rips, pilled, etc…
30 item limit per drop off. Bring wrinkle-free items in on hangers, or neatly folded in a bin, basket, or reusable tote. Items consigned in a plastic or trash bag will not be accepted.
Items must be laundered and/or dry cleaned prior to being consigned.
Seasonal consignemt only. February 1st: Spring || April 1st: Summer || August 1st: Fall || October 1st: Winter
Consignments run on a 60-90 day agreement. Once the drop off term ends, the consignor is allocated 48 hours to claim unsold items. Items may be picked up at the end of your drop-off term by appointment only. It is the responsibility of the consignor to locate the items on the sales floor upon the expiration date.
After 48 hours, all unclaimed items become property of Savvy Swap Consignment. Items will be integrated into our inventory and then donated to local charities & non-profit organizations.